Friday, November 23, 2007


“Prosperity and Adversity”
I have once watched a movie “Prince and the Pauper”. It was a story that is told to me by my father, a prince who is a king and a pauper in his village. With that, I was amazed and found it interesting. Then suddenly to my immense mind, I bought it and watched it. I visualize the life of the two teenagers. Tom Canty, a poor lad and a struggler. Edward Tudor, a noble man. They were in wonder on one's life so they decided to exchange lives. Their status in life. Experiencing the life of the other for pleasure and for difficulty. The story I've watched is closely related to my dream. I neither want to be king but I want riches. I always wanted to prosper but not to an extent of exceeding my ambitions.
On one side, I wanted to experience personal pleasures. I wanted everything, own everything and be superior. I've wanted to manage every people. “My life is worth when I have all I've wanted. . .only to realize it is wrong.”
Agur, the writer of Proverbs 30, must have sensed this danger when he prayed “Remove falsehood and lies far from me; give me neither poverty nor riches with me with the food allotted to me; lest I be full and deny you, and say, “Who is the LORD?” or lest I be poor and steel, and profane the name of my God.” (Prov.30:89)
A similar request occurs in a beautiful choral anthem composed by Benjamin Harlan:
Write Your Blessed name,
O Lord, upon my heart,
There to remain so indelibly engraved
That no prosperity, nor adversity
Shall remove me from your love.
In Proverbs 30 the focus is on circumstances, while the song centers on the state of our heart. Perhaps we should pray that God would guard us in both areas of our lives.
In the poem “THE HIRED MAN” by Maximo D. Ramos, it conveys that all creatures are not created equally but differently. Each has their own rights to choose on what they wanted. It tells that there are two kinds of people in every country; those who own things and those who own nothing-landlords and the landless.
With an unbalanced situation, will one survive toils?
There's a distinction between riches to rags. A man who is born in a farmland learns to love his native earth. While a man who is born to riches , who lives with everything. God created us in his likeness. He created us equally. God knows where we're going-to the heaven and join the highest orders of Angels. There are two kinds of people in every country; those who own things and those who own nothing-landlords and the landless.
With an unbalanced situation, will one survive toils?
We people can merely choose our destiny, but we cannot choose our status in life because our parents know best. They know what's good and what is not. Their guidance is the key to our success. If we are destined to a poor community, we should accept it, well your community doesn't affect the real you. You can definitely survive! As we all know, many numb areas exist in our place. One of the thirty areas , there are half of it that survived the crisis in their situation. Owning what is handed on you is a gift and everything has its purpose. If God allotted you the grace and intelligence, it is far more better than owning riches. Riches-riches are material things that are given by our superiors. Abundance, wealth, valuable possessions. Riches are too much when it is abused. Riches are nothing without love and devotion to what we give for each other. Like for example, learn a child in a school. With your popularity and abundance, the child isn't learning, why? There is no thrill or great surprise. All is handed on him. And he knows when he asked for it, it will be granted immediately. The child learns no passion in learning things. In this way we parents teach our children to be lazy. And when the time comes when the child is dull, the child will blame you for your unlimited possessions. With these, the parents are yet to be frustrated. As what I've said, abuse of riches leads to nothing. Riches when used in goodness will lead to a double victory. It depends on one's perception and “diskarte”. Both kinds of people (landlords and landless) are healthy when you learn to think twice. . .
Pensive effect was on me when I read the poem “The Hires Man”. I imagined to take risks, like living in a day owning everything and nothing. It seems awkward to say but there is a big difference. When you live in a community with which possesses a whole-hearted heart. You'll be happy. You can enjoy laughter at the same time your bonds with each other is getting stronger and stronger. There are sharing of thoughts and ideas. Sadness and Happiness. That is what you get in a family which owns nothing. Look on the opposite side. Being rich. . .there's nothing to do about it but there's a tiny speck that makes the bongs getting farther and farther. In a modern table where royals are sitted, they neglect to talk because it is unethical for them. There are no enjoyments. It's like carrying your smile and sadness unto yourself only and nobody cares.
Great feelings was on me, if only the two are combined there is a certain balance. It is just sad to say that everyone lives in a nation with opposite lives, if only they knew how to strengthen their unity. If only. . .
The specific parts that is needed to improve here is disregarding our chances. Chances that God decided for us but we feared to do it because of our personal pleasures. Riches cannot lead you until death? It will end as if it were placed in an empty jar that no one touches it. Everyone will die but not all will go to heaven. It may be unusual, but it is, when we're caught red-handed. It is not for our insides but our insides. . .
The strngths here are making our bond ever stronger than ever. We learn to be happy despite of the tragedies. We learn to help each other, console each other and most especially to love each other. We learn to smile because of them. We learn to move on and face the bright tomorrow. When there is no hard feelings we learn to have unity. Although we own nothing, at least we neither see the reflection of it as a big aspect on our lives.
I interviewed some critics with regards to their reaction about having two kinds of people in every country-A man who has everything or nothing. If he could survive when he chooses one of these. They simply said, it depends on your perception. Your soul. With which is one of our conscience. If one chooses to be rich. Or even bathing with golds is good but there should be a certain balance to attain equilibrium. When one chooses to own nothing. It is just alright for the reason that it is what we own when we undergo our first stage in life. Adam and Eve own nothing when they were created. It is on how one seek guidance to our Almighty God. Own nothing but when you learn something, you have everything. Yes, I affirm to their statements because it is on what we are that counts. It is when we learn to use our intellectual skills.
The values I've learned in this topic is learning to attain balance. Perhaps this is the very fine way why we succeed. When you learn to balance everything there is a so-called
50-50 relationship. One is where you allot your stupidity and on the other is where you allot your practicality or your common sense. It is much important when you know you're fit and will survive trials at the same time. I learned to be optimistic. Identifying good from bad is the key to survival. When you know it is good, you can go on and continue. You can say you did it because of the godliness on you prevails. When you know it is bad, why will you continue? This subtracts more on what you do positively. Lastly I learned to be still. Although my trouble is in deep confusion there is a tendency for me to be strong because I believe in myself. I may not own all the riches in the world but I know how to control myself and put it where I want it to be. Speaking guilelessly Prosperity and Adversity is no use when one doesn't know the real him.
The values I've learned in this poem is necessary for my total development because it helps me stand where I should belong. I can survive trials because I believe and trust in all the values I've learned. Standing firmly and facing everything means you have applied all the values in its proper place.
The general idea of my topic is the position or status in life. No one cares it you have pennies or not. All that matters is that you can survive the problems that is given to you. And for that you will be successful as what you've wanted to be.
The main point of my topic is related to the present situation of the Philippines because the two kinds of people exists in our country. One that owns nothing like in the suburb areas on the parts of the Philippine territory. You can determine immediately what is he. Well, both of them, although not alike, survived their crisis.
The general result of my analysis is choosing. When you choose any of these, you will likely to survive when you have perseverance and passion. What now when you have all of these when nothing is in your head. It is like stepping into a damp soil. Where you build it as a cement. And when you continue to abuse it. This will result to destruction and the melting of your dreams.
Speaking concretely, it is not our outer appearance are, it is who we are that counts. It is not our position that makes us superior, it is because of our faith and trust in God. It is not our economic problems, it is because of the GUIDANCE we sought from our ALMIGHTY FATHER.
Prosperity and Adversity are equal opportunity destroyers. The extremes of life can be hazardous because a person with too much may encounter as much difficulties as one with too little. It is our status in life that is well focused. But it centers on the state of our mind. Perhaps, we should pray that God would guard us in both areas of our lives.
When we invite the Lord to place His mark of ownership on our lives, we acknowledge His wise and loving provision for all our needs. Contentment is realizing that God has already given us all we need.
Serrano, Josephine B., et al.(2000) English Communication Arts and Skills and SIBS Publishing House, Incorporation, Quezon City, Philippines

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